The Sobering Global Reality

9 02 2014
Would you pay more to make Trade FAIR?

Would you pay more to make Trade FAIR?

The Forces Shaping Our World

If you have not been getting depressed lately then maybe you just have not been paying attention. There is so much to be depressed about. In which case you might feel the seductive downward pull of melancholy. Perhaps there is a mysterious feeling of sadness lurking out in the wilderness stalking you, waiting . . .ready to claim you at a moments notice. Lurking . . .waiting. Till finally, like the evil SLIME in a B-grade movie it drags you down into subterranean depths, into the underworld. Perhaps even into Neptune’s world, into the subaquatic realm of deep dark and horrible feelings. And maybe . . . maybe, that’s not such a bad thing after all because let’s face it: there is actually plenty to be depressed about. And a warning: this is not one of those pieces of propaganda you see plastered all over the toilets of the Western World or bobbing up on the telly giving you a hotline number to call if you feel depressed. Managing depression has it’s place, but this is not one of those places. And you can be assured of this: There is HOPE. Real hope.

It will not here be proposed that the depressing reality is merely a chemical imbalance in the brain that some neurological doctor of reductionism can address by introducing a new poison into your brain. There now! It will all be better soon. Really? Honestly? Such bullshit.  It seems that so often the best that the medical fraternity aim for is that you will settle enough so that the problem goes away. As if we are three year old children that need to be put to bed, to be made unconscious. Thanks, but no thanks.

Ah yes feelings. Feelings! Those messy and fluid blobs of pulsating and very human energy that can not be forever avoided. Even if you want to. You may at times, find yourself standing on the metaphorical cliffs of your own isolation and loneliness and look into that sea of  seething and unregulated emotion wondering if your are brave enough to dip your toe in the water much less to jump in. You may at this point of contemplation feel an urge to run away. Or even take yourself off the game-board. Yes it certainly does happen. Or you may in defeat want to scurry back into the video game. Back to the television. Back to the bottle. Back to the fun-parlour. Back to the sex doll, or sex person. But as the Alcoholics Anonymous peeps will tell you, it will probably be necessary to hit rock bottom before you are ready to change.   But here’s the thing: it isn’t actually necessary to hit rock bottom. You can can simply decide to change. A radical proposition admittedly but there it is. So sue me. Yes, it can be done through choice. You can simply look at the “what-is” of your life and fess up. I did it! Just own the whole damn thing. And after making a thorough inventory of all the shit stuff . . .you then get to decide what you want to do about it.

Simply existing as an anaesthetized member of an unconscious civilization will not bring you any joy, or any real pleasure and certainly no fulfilment. Those things are all off the list. Surfing the mall for distractions will leave you feeling empty. Honestly . . .As you cruised past all those retail outlets offering all that cheap and even overpriced stuff, did you spare a thought for the people who exist in grinding poverty in slave-like conditions to bring you your pink satin panties? Your iPhone cover? Your new set of dumb-bells? Your cross-fit lycra gold lame tank top by Designer fitness pro Desmondo (made in Bangladesh)? Cheap t-Shirts. Overpriced stonewash jeans. A baby’s arm holding an apple. Now go be happy and shut the fuck up.

It’s no wonder you’re depressed. You should be. There is no simple way out. The truth is that us Westerners can be just as trapped as those in sweatshops. We’re all slaves it seems. And the competitive genes of the world’s poor are striving to get their kids into better education and higher paid jobs so that one day they can come to your country and take the best jobs from your kids. This is not a racist rant. And I wish it were’t true. But the way things are, it’s more than just a little bit true. We humans may have invented a bunch of technology that makes it ever easier to rape the Earth and produce ever more stuff, but it seems that sadly, we are a long way from being truly civilized.

So start crying. Really. If there IS something that can change the world it’s people getting in touch with their feelings. For it is not possible to engage with the authenticity we need to affect REAL change, from the place of narcissistic avoidance, perpetual numbness and proactive insanity. You just get more of the same. And you see , , ,this IS the Apocalypse. We are living through it. What does it mean? Apocalypse? Though I have noticed that most references to this truer definition have been whitewashed lately. Funny thing . . .  It means a lifting of the veil of secrecy and lies in a time of evil and corruption. Honestly. Seen the news lately? By that definition The Apocalypse is in full swing. And you need to make it your own. Start to get in touch with your own dark feelings, of sadness, of regrets or remorse. Spill the beans. About yourself. To YOURSELF. And when you’re done look out into the world and see with brutal clarity the BEAST of Revelations in fully exposed ugly mode. LOOK at the corruption of the world, and start weeping. You can change, but it’s not going to happen from the place of  hiding, of avoidance, of chosen ignorance and of endless addictions. Get clean. Get free. It’s time. Change.

You see, it’s not actually as bad as it seems and at the same time it’s far worse. That is the paradox of course. Far worse? Well . . .you may have been listening to all those crazy conspiracy theories on-line and in your face saying all this terrible stuff. Who do you believe? What is actually going on? If you need any inspiration you can do a search on Building 7. There’s a case in point. How . . .the fuck . . .did it fall down? This is the question that many highly qualified people are asking. No answers from the US administration. No secret societies have put up their hand to admit complicity. What a surprise. And while you’re at it remember the worlds of Adolph Hitler. In the game of mass psychology, control and dominance, it is useful to tell a BIG lie. A lie so monstrous that people would refuse to believe it. Building 7.

So how should you make your way in a world of greed, corruption, anxiety, depression, evil and lies? It’s a good question. First confront your own corruption and lack of moral fibre. Feel your feelings about how you FEEL about such a breach of trust with yourself. Own it. And take your time. Give yourself more than a minute on this. THEN .. .FORGIVE YOURSELF. And then decide that you want to change. It’s the authentic decision that will lead you out of the labrynth.

There is an old Chinese saying. You should not fear making slow progress. Fear only making no progress. Stagnation really is death. You need to get committed to your own LOVE actions. State of being. Open heart meditation. LOVE of God however you conceive him/her to be. Get committed to yourself. Doing the REAL thing may seem odd at first. It seems we have all become so comfortable with the LIE that to live in the truth can feel a bit odd once you decide to get to it. A bit weird. Hey! Just do it. You could make up a list of authentic actions, projects, stances, behaviours, consumer choices, habits. thought patterns, friends, groups . . .songs to sing . . . and just schedule in things on the list. There would be no room for anything else. Turn off the bloody telly! In fact there is a new word doing the rounds: Voluntourism. Look that one up. Getting un-fucked is a job of work to be sure. But as an evil communist dictator once said. The journey of a Thousand Miles begins with a single step. Hang on! That wasn’t an evil Communist dictator who said that. It was Lao Tsu – a wise man. Strange how these things go.

If you need any inspiration to more deeply feel and understand the global perspective there are few more enlightening or sober reflections available than from the lips of the President of Uruguay – Jose Mujica as he addresses the United Nations 2013

Giant Step Evolution

3 07 2013
Sign of The Times

Sign of The Times

Collective Evolution -a Firsthand Account

The Quantum Lime Flavoured rEvolution has been witnessing first-hand evidence that humanity may be evolving in ways hitherto unrecognized, unimagined and unrecorded. That is until now. It’s really happening folks. Why just yesterday it was reported that a member of the USA Senate learned to walk upright. Not only that but an Executive at Monsanto used sign language to ask for a banana.  This is giant step evolution at it’s best. To celebrate the best, the bravest and most noteworthy though you really have to look at the Collective Evolution online media portal and the work of one Joe Martino and friends. An article titled The Big Myth “This is How it Has to Be caught my eye. Some finely tuned ideas here on some of my favourite Quantum riffs. Yes you Do create your own reality – as much as some would like to argue that they don’t. To those people we can only say that denial is not a river in Egypt. But far be it from me to harp on the negative. yes I did straighten up and I did fly right. And I learned to accentuate the positive. Now it’s all up to YOU.

Cornell West’s Catastrophic Love

1 07 2013
Blues Legend Robert Johnson

Blues Legend Robert Johnson

What is The Bluesman?

“The Blues responds to the catastrophic with compassion; without drinking from the cup of bitterness. Not with revenge but with justice . . .that’s the best of the Blues you see . . .Cornell West. See the whole interview

CEO of Nestle Peter Brabeck – Sociopath, Asshole, Fascist

5 06 2013

nestle (1)

Exclusive Membership in the Asshole of The Century Club has been awarded to Peter Brabeck CEO of Nestle for promoting crimes against humanity

Congratulations Peter Brabeck – You have been awarded exclusive lifelong membership in the  Asshole of the Century Club by Dr Quantum’s Lime Flavoured rEvolution.  For having the unmitigated gall to actually have yourself recorded – for general distribution! – delivering anti-human propositions including 1) promoting the virtue of the privatization of water 2) stating that there has never been a disease caused by GMOs in the USA and 3) bragging about how your factories (one of the world’s leading “food” producers) are becoming increasingly robotized.  Peter . . .i am praying for you. Get well soon. Meanwhile folks can find a list of Brands below owned by Nestle. Also included is Peter Brabeck’s warm little chat to video on his vision for the future of humanity. Thanks Peter, for letting us all know who you are and what you do. Who needs conspiracy theorists darkly imagining what elitist, fascist, sociopaths are getting up to. Now we know. God bless you sir.

Some of The Brands owned by Neslte from The Brands That Own The Brands

Loreal . Garnier . Maybellene . Ralph Lauren . Yves Saint Laurent . Diesel . Georgio Armani . Purina . Kit Kat . Aero . Movenpick . Drumstick . Coffee Mate . Perrier . San Pellegrino . Vittel . Carnation

Killer Robots – Time to say NO!

31 05 2013
Of all the sickening things we could do to ourselves, this one is surely ri9ght up there with the worst of them. Say NO three times a day. Say it to your friends. Say it on trains and in lifts. JUST SAY NO

Campaign to Stop Killer Robots

Killer robots. It’s obviously time to turn back on this road of soulless human misery and destruction. What to do? On this issue people just have to say NO. No to killer robots.  Check this story out and keep visualizing peace, prosperity, abundance, enlightenment and authentic freedom for all – it may not happen overnight, but it will happen.

From the Sydney Morning Herald Online

Should robots be allowed to take a human life, without direct supervision or command? 

Science fiction met reality at the United Nations in Geneva overnight where this question was debated at a meeting of the Human Rights Council. 

UN special rapporteur Christof Heyns told the council that countries are developing armed robots that can kill without the need for human choice or intervention and they need to call a halt before it’s too late. More . . .


Political Power in the USA – The Corporatocracy

3 01 2013
Corporatocracy = fascism. Comprendez vous?

Corporatocracy = fascism. Comprendez vous?

The central criticism of the United States of America has for some time centred on the corrupting and hypocritical relationship between big business and the agencies of government. The powers that be in the U.S. have long trumpeted that the justification for both foreign and domestic policy is that they have been keeping the world safe for democracy. Clearly, such a claim is now seen to be as hollow as organised crime kingpins saying that they are keeping the world safe for business.  To be sure there would be truth in the statement . . .but would it be a true statement?

Respected Columbia University Economist Jeffrey Sachs in his book The Price of Civilization is now laying it on the line. He only stops short of using the F word. Fascism. It’s what Americans cannot bear to hear about themselves. The fact that they are currently doing a very good job of imitating being the greatest fascist power on earth. But let’s look at what Sachs does say.

According to Sachs America is caught in a vicious cycle; the cracked record of the corrupt American system.

“Corporate wealth translates into political power through campaign financing, corporate lobbying and the revolving door of jobs between government and industry; and political power translates into further wealth through tax cuts, deregulation and sweetheart contracts between government and industry”

 . . .in other words fascism.

Sachs point to four main sectors of US business that exemplify this vicious cycle and which underline the transformation of America into a Fascist society – he uses the phrase takeover by the corporatocracy which of course means exactly the same thing as fascism, just in more acceptable language. These four sectors are: 1) The military industrial complex 2) The Wall Street-Washington complex 3) The big-oil transport-military complex and 4) The (so-called) health-care industry. This last one some people might prefer to call the torturing people for profit in the name of medicine industry. Sounds pretty ugly? Well . . .what are you going to do about it?

What to do about this unholy mess? Well it may sound somewhat overly simplistic, however Dr Quantum would suggest that firstly having the awareness to be clear and honest about the current state of play is the first step forward. Closely followed by forgiveness and then last but certainly not least . . .having a regular schedule of co-creatively envisioning the positive, transformed, healthy future you wish to inhabit. This last part of the technique may well be derided by the intelligentsia – those materialistic, Marxist, intellectual atheists who are a feature of our institutions of higher learning. Many of these folks are enormously well intentioned individuals, in the same way that you will find people of noble sentiment in the Tea Party. But of course as it has been said – the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Quantum-wise the co-creatively envisioned and metaphysically projected positive future will do more to transform the world for the better than an endless stream of suicide bombers, torturing the projected “villains” – the enemy, and Uncle Sam’s drones and missiles and counter intelligence in the form of dis-information. The metaphysical approach may even be better than an endless stream of books – Gosh! However in the interests of sanity we must encourage education… regardless of how flawed the system may currently be.

Time to wake up.

A Message from The Tree of Golden Light?

19 11 2012

Tree of Light by Tang Yau Hoong

Searching for some new inspiration these last few days. Watched that excellent film: Across The Universe with all those fabulous sets and Beatles songs (let it Be embedded below) . . . and stumbled across a website called The Tree of Golden light which purports to contain channeled thoughts and words of a a variety of Highly Evolved beings. You may find the following inspirational. You will note reference to “the ascension”. There is a suggestion that some of us are about to be tele-ported off the Earth to a (much) greater level of freedom and fulfillment.  There are a lot of channeled transcripts there if you happen to be curious. Dr Quantum’s Lime Flavoured Revolution does not endorse the idea of ascension specifically in this context. There is also reference to extraterrestrials and the Intergalactic Federation . . . You will have to make up your own mind. Check it out below Source:  Tree of The Golden Light

The old paradigm is collapsing beyond the point where it can be re-established, and we are ready to help you bring the new one into being. Indeed, behind the scenes much has been going on to this end and has advanced quite quickly. We continue to make more appearances in your skies than ever before, and when we can finally commence our flyovers we know they will be well received. We feel that at last you are beginning to relax and accept things as they happen, knowing that all is in order and you will benefit from our assistance which will speed matters up. Whatever is required to take place this side of Ascension will come about as intended.

We wish that your media was released from the grip of those who adulterate your news, often deliberately distorting the facts to mislead you. Also so many laws have been introduced will be changed so that you have more freedom of information, and that no longer will secrecy be allowed as an excuse to hide the truth. The extent to which you have been kept in the dark is way beyond what you suspect, and you will be astonished at what has been developed for your Space programs. With the help of Extraterrestrials amazing advancements have been made in Space travel, as you will learn. Presently quite a few craft you see in your skies are your own, that you have been prevented from knowing about.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and looking forward to the occasion when we can meet you and exchange friendly greetings. You will easily take to us as we are you from a higher level of consciousness. We have so much to share with you, and it will be a wonderful time. Our love freely flows to you at all times.

Coal Seam Gas – The Monster in The Room

14 11 2012

Coal Seam Gas is the new Godzilla

Shocking stories about the abuse of power and the corruption of the powerful via the undue influence of business bucks is nothing new. Examples of this confront us almost daily in the media. There is a global army of world weary citizens who are saturated with cynicism. And we have seen that there are indeed limits to just how much people are willing to put up with. There is a pattern to how this plays out. Take for example the Arab Spring uprisings. The whole thing was triggered by one frustrated person, so appalled by the unfairness and corruption of one particular official that he set himself on fire. A match alight in a tinder box.

The key to understanding this phenomenon is that the conditions were so ripe and ready for change that it could have been any number of different individuals in relation to any number of different corrupt public officials that ignited the spark. We call it the tipping point. It is this emergent chain-reaction that has lead to the rewriting of the political landscape in the Middle East. Of course it is not required for a person to self immolate in order for a tipping point of public dissatisfaction to be reached. In our media infused world we see that these movements are now constant ripples and currents moving through societies and reshaping them. To put it bluntly people are pissed off and hungry for the next public example of the failure of adequate governance. People have had enough and people are hungry to blame their elected representatives who have failed to govern effectively. This brings us to Coal Seam Gas – the monster in the room. And the news just in.

Researchers at Southern Cross University have discovered that large amounts of methane gas, carbon dioxide and other gasses are leaking from Australia’s biggest gas field at Tara QLD (see video below for previous action by farmers at Tara). Ben Cubby writing in the Sydney Morning Herald chose his words more carefully. He said:Vast amounts of methane appear to be leaking undetected. OK . . .appear to be leaking. This is interesting because a white paper released last week predicts a wholesale expansion of Australia’s Coal Seam Gas industry and calls for environmental objections to be removed to facilitate large scale gas extraction. Oh really?!!!

One may conjecture that there are so many snouts in the trough of coal seam gas dollars that there is no room left for any more pigs. The thing to understand is that a trough is a low-point. And pigs will happily eat shit. But Coal Seam Gas dollars are a favourite excrement of the porcine brethren at the moment. Enjoy piggies. You will make lovely rashers of bacon and legs of ham for those connoisseurs of the swine flesh – the dissatisfied and appalled public incensed and incendiary by apocalyptic media storms of the truth revealed. Methane gas is considered to be the most damaging of green-house gasses. Far more damaging than carbon dioxide as a contributor to global warming. And so now if we can’t rely on the left-wingers of politics to look out for the common future of humanity and the broad interests of the people then we must expect that nature will indeed take it’s course. Ham and bacon rolls coming right up folks.

The pollies must understand that the business swine is the great tempter of the political pig. Consider these pearls of wisdom from Rick Wilkinson – chief operating officer of APPEA the industry body.

“Incomplete research from Southern Cross University academics this week lacks the basics of scientific rigour. What is presented as research is in reality a funding submission.”

Thank you Rick. Pop yourself into the pan like a good piglet. I’ll have mine with eggs and toast.

News Flash: And this news just in The cowboys were in control : Foley attacks former colleagues

Coal Seam Gas – The Power Junkies Have no Idea

10 11 2012

Coal seam gas extraction scars the landscape near Chinchilla QLD Australia

Coal seam gas is a blueprint for the destruction of sweet water

Energy Minister of NSW (New South Wales, Australia) Chris Hartcher has accused the Environmental Defenders Office of helping activist groups hurt the coal and coal seam gas industries as part of a “left agenda to destroy the economy” Sydney Morning Herald, Nov 10 2012

Truth News ran an informative piece online about Coal Seam Gas in October 2011. Coal seam gas: A new environmental catastrophe unfolds 

The insane gross materialism of the mining industry is of course nothing new and certainly not limited to the right wing of politics.  Of course! Chris Hartcher supports the Coal Seem Gas and coal industry. As did the supposedly left-wing former premier of Queensland Anna Bligh and her cohort. These individuals are certainly power junkies addicted, not only to power but compromise as well. In supporting the Coal and Coal Seam Gas industry they invite grave karma on the heads of the people whom they are supposed to be serving. Same same. Not enough people the world over – people in general and in politics specifically – wants to stand up and accept responsibility for carbon emissions and environmental destruction. And so it came to pass that . . . inevitably, a giant super-storm hurricane called Sandy slammed into New York and New Jersey not to mention Jamaica, Haiti and Cuba.  The planet speaks to us not with the useless words of politicians but with the powerful force of nature. Guess whose point of view will prevail?

The reductionist scientific paradigm demands everything has to be measured. And so it is that the experts have their tape measures out measuring Hurricane Sandy. Was it or wasn’t it? Of course there is an important place for the type of reductionist materialism that this behaviour represents. Well . . .in our world there is a good place for it on account of the fact that in this era our consciousness is so dense and covered over that we seem thoroughly incapable of the kind of Earth wisdom that the native tribal peoples of say the Americas still have access to. And of course they are not the only ones.

There would be no trouble in certain circles to understand that super-storm Hurricane Sandy was caused by a lack of integrity and alignment with the soul of our living planet – Sanat Kumara in communion with the planetary Logos (AKA Goddess Gaia). Of course this sounds like gobbeldy gook to most Western ears. On the other hand any reasonable amount of research would suggest it may well be true. Most of the political types wouldn’t really understand that the planet is alive. . .so how can they understand the most basic facts of the matter?  The disturbances that are being wrought by coal seam gas extraction and the resulting karma – the poisoning of aquifers and agricultural land for starters – will visit terrible diseases and calamities upon the people. The cautionary principle would seem to be the only hope for the power junkie block-heads who can see nothing subtle. But the fools have mostly abandoned this a long time ago in favour of their flavour of fascism. It’s all about the dollar and it would seem, scarce little else. This is the world we now live in.

These things must be talked about, not because the fools are about to change. Certainly telling them how foolish they are seems to have little or no effect. And it does ones own soul no good to point the finger of blame. The telling is simply a service in the Apocalypse – the lifting of the veil of secrecy and lies in a time of evil and corruption. This is the tsunami that has engulfed us. This is the total eclipse of our times. These are the end times prophesied in the bible and this is indeed the start of the New Age, the Golden Age. Prayer, meditation, being conscious, having a good heart and practicing the blessed unrest are among the most powerful resonators we have at our disposal. The new resonance is what will transform the logjam of the political power-junkies and business bad-asses. Their world will be swept away like matchsticks in a flood. What One person can do will be of little consequence and all of the consequence. Paradoxically enough. Coal Seam Gas extraction will soon be seen – in the not-too distant future – as one of the greatest environmental crimes ever perpetrated. This is a lime flavoured prediction. Those responsible for it will be held to account – both the politicians who allowed it and the business people who pushed it, who perpetrated it.

The real, deep issues of significance around coal and coal seam gas are of course blind to the political oligarchs who are today practicing a form of crypto-fascism. What does that mean? It means that the hidden agendas that drive these politicians – be it of the left or of the right – are really forms of fascism (merger of corporate and state power) hidden behind other more benign sounding and seeming narratives. These compromised power-junkies are leading their peoples off the cliffs of ignorance. It’s a long way down.  Coal seam gas is a blueprint for the destruction of sweet water among other things- see video embedded for your information, below. Please comment on this post

Sanat Kumara Lord of Shamballa by Brett Mitchell

The Books of Alice Bailey

Alice Bailey – Initiation Human and Solar – Ch IV The Founding of The Hierarchy

GMO Corn study shocks the world

28 10 2012

A university in France must take the credit for the first ever study to examine the long-term effects of eating GMOs. The Monsanto Corn accompanied by trace elements of Monsanto’s chemical roundup produces hideous cancers in a large percentage of rats. The results, commentary and explanation are available for all who care to read them and linked further on in this post. It is ironic but not surprising that the study was conducted in France and not the USA as you might expect. After all the USA is the powerhouse home of biotechnology and genetic modification of food. But it seems they are also the home of the GMO industry bribing politicians, rigging research data, corrupting congress through lobby groups and engaging in criminal acts all for the purpose of foisting often deadly and poisonous foods on the public so they can make profit.

University of Caen’s study was lead by Gilles-Eric Seralini and results published in the Food and Chemical Toxicology Journal. Monsanto now stands convicted by the jury of scientific fact as well as of public opinion. It is little wonder that Monsanto have been voted the most hated corporation in the world for 11 straight years.

Concerned citizens of the world must now express outrage and astonishment that the type of research done by the Seralini team in France was not in point of fact conducted within the USA. This should have been enforced by the USA government to whom ultimate responsibility must fall. Instead what we have is footage of George Bush Snr in a Mopnsanto lab (in the documentary Food Inc) handing out his business card and encouraging them to call him if they need help getting anything passed. We’re in the de-reg business was his infamous comment. It is utterly reprehensible and disgraceful, an infamy that will be his legacy. It is after all the sacred duty of governments . . .to govern. Instead of good government and good governance what has been demonstrated in the USA is that the tentacles of fascism now threatens the health, welfare and safety of its peoples because of cowboy GM activity. And we haven’t even got started here with the cancer industry or the banking sector. This is not cliche, rhetoric or hysteria. Au contraire, it is simply to state an unpalatable but obvious truth.

The Health Ranger has posted details of the study linked here

The Seralini study is titled “A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health.” read the study abstract now by clicking here

How GM Corn is engineered – courtesy Organic Association of Western Australia

Visit the Organic Association of Western Australia website