Earthship Survives Earthquake in Chile

3 07 2012

Example of an Earthship Tirewall

Earthship Tire Wall Withstands Chilean Earthquake 6/7 on Richter

This message from an Earthship Chilean survivor just plucked from Earthsip’s latest newsletter: from Earthship Chile: I’m from Chile two weeks ago we had an earthquake of 6/7 richter, our tire wall stand without problems and our wall is just tires no concrete on it … enough evidence for me that Earthships are earthquake-proof .
Sorry about my English not mi native language hope you understand

You can see a 1 & half minute video on Earthships New Solutions Below. More great Earthship vids will appear in the window when this vid is over!!! check it out – It’s huge fun. You can subscribe to Earthships Biotechture newsletter here  . . .

Free energy For All? Yessiree Bob!

28 06 2012

MAGEN Engine

Launch of Free Energy Network

You can now join the New Energy Systems Trust on the PESWiki – which stands for Pure Energy Systems Wiki. There is also a page on PESWiki someone distributed to Dr Quantum’s Lime Flavoured rEvolution (because we need a refreshing change) on the MAGEN engine that was developed in the land of love, magic and quantum Resonance – Australia. There’s something about those Aussies. Maybe it’s something they put in the water. Free clean energy. It’s here. You need to see it to create it. That’s what quantum holographic resonance enables you to do. Stop disbeleiving. Start believing. The emperor (oil companies) has no clothes. Knock yourself out kid!

The Most Credible UFO Documentary Ever Made

9 06 2012

UFO by Peter Turosq

The Little Green Men are Here – Now What?

Here’s the documentary that presents the most credible witnesses to UFo sightings in our time. The questions that get raised are: 1) when will the government(s) finally disclose to people what is actually going on? And 2) why will they not tell the truth to the people about numerous UFOs visiting Earth?  It must be remarked that the government who has been most organised, secretive and repressive at keeping the whole thing hushed up and hidden is? You guessed it. Uncle Sam. Meanwhile the French and the British have declassified all their documents. So . . the fact is that the cat is well and truly out of the bag. Don’t believe it? watch the doco embedded below.

In answering these questions  . . .it’s really quite simple.When Uncle Sam will finally come clean is anybody’s guess. And why they are still not revealing the truth? Well . . . if the Uncle Sam admitted that these UFOs are here and they know all about it, people would start to ask the question about the fuels that these UFOs use. That’s the hardest part to explain and deal with. Particularly if you’re heavily invested in burning fossil fuels. Perhaps that issue of the energy source . . . is where it would get very embarrassing indeed.  Well . . .the little green men are here now what?

There was a documentary embedded here however it has now been blocked by A&E on copyright grounds: Wikipedia tells us who they are – A&E Television Networks (Doing business as A+E Networks and formerly also known as AETN) is a U.S. media company that owns a group of television channels available via cable & satellite in the US and abroad. The company is a joint venture between Hearst Corporation and Disney-ABC Television Group, a subsidiary of The Walt Disney CompanyNBCUniversal was also a part of the joint venture, with Hearst and Disney each owning a 42.5% stake and NBCUniversal owning a 15% stake, but in July 2012, NBCUniversal confirmed plans to sell its 15.8% stake in A+E Networks to Disney and Hearst, who will become 50-50 partners in the joint venture.[1] I would not suggest that NBCUniversal or The Walt Disney Company are actively involved in suppressing the truth. The way that systems work they (Disney) really do not need to be intelligent about suppressing the truth. The very activity of such an organisation will tend to obfuscate the truth. This is because being essentially part of the broader environment – business, government, entertainment – in which the problems of humanity are embedded, their very energy and activity will tend to inhibit the truth being made clear and manifest. Enjoy the Disclosure Project Documentary. 

A new UFo Documentary produced by The Disclosure Project has now been added. Enjoy


Planet For Sale – Nice Quiet Location

24 03 2012

Planet for Sale – Nice Quiet Location – Introducing Earth

Highly sought after rare gem in Milky Way Galaxy. Only 100,000 light years from side to side

Enjoy unrestricted parking and easy commuting

An anthropologist’s delight, on Earth the local tribes are endlessly fascinating

Suit Eco-Repair Hobbyist looking for exotic fauna & flora and DNA samples

Endangered species !!!

Complex biosphere subsystems require regular maintenance – no chance to get bored

A living zoological treasury - includes many classic imported species from beyond the Alpha Quadrant

Contact The Exclusive Agent for full inspection

or visit

manifested by Dr Quantum

a LIME flaVouRED rEvolution Pt 4

20 03 2012

Today I Will Hug a Few Trees

Today I will hug a few trees . . . and send extra happy greetings to the Space People in the cloud above the backyard pool in which stands  . . .both erect and pregnant . . . the sword of The Lady OF the Lake.

I worry about the chlorine though. How’s that lady doing down there I wonder? Maybe i should take her some tea and biscuits? And what happens to tea and biscuits when you submerge them in a swimming pool?  I am sure you can begin to appreciate some of the logistical problems involved in having The Lady of The Lake in your swimming pool. Yes, it’s tough. Should I ask for your guilt? Your shame?  NO! Just keep dancing dangerously close to the water, dance to the Samba Rhythms – boom boom boom-boom-boom. We just might get a chance to grab that sword. Anyone can do it. But first (now don’t laugh) you will have to walk on the water. I know, I know. There’s no faking this of course. We have cameras set up all over the place so the water walker(s) will be filmed. THEN . . .you need to get the sword. But, good news! It’s not nearly as hard as it sounds. Come on over for the party and we will share delicious secrets. This is after all The Age of The Woolworths Buddha. Oh God I think I’ve done it again. Call my frickin agent! And what about those space people? Don’t worry! They know what to do. Note to self: Today I Will Hug a Few Trees


20 03 2012

Money Will Mysteriously Appear in Your Bank Account

There is a general feeling among the citizenry of the world that it is time for Lime

There is a general feeling among the citizenry of the world that it is time for a refreshing change. The time has come. This is a Lime Flavoured Revolution. Make no mistake. There is nothing as powerful as a LIME FLAVOURED REVOLUTION whose time has come. But remember – Cherry is already taken. Lime is the go. You don’t want to be disappointed when you finally get to the ice cream counter and the guy just looks at you as if in a dream and says in kinda slow motion  . . .CHERRY HAS BEEN EATEN BY THE ZWORgS. And then the floor opens up and you are swallowed as you slide down a chute into the frozen vacuum of black space screaming . . .

Except you you can’t scream because there is no air in the vacuum of space and you wake up screaming but not being able to scream. In a heavy sweat. You can avoid ALL THAT by just letting the guy know you want the LIME. The beautiful LIME. Mmmmmmm Lime Yummy.  It’s Dr Quantum’s Lime fLAVOURED Revolution and it is . . .tasty and zesty and VERY cool. The Lime Flavoured Revolution is your friend in need. Oh Kay! In fact if you say the words: Dr Quantum’s Lime Revolution three times there is a 90% chance that money will appear in your bank account. Bizarre but true.There is a general feeling among the citizenry of the world that it is time for Lime

Living in The Living Cosmos

1 03 2012

A Form of Coherent Consciousness?

The Game of Life is Living

It’s a funny old life. We ask ourselves, and every Guru in the business of spiritual evolution wants us to ask: Why are we here? What is the purpose of life? Where are we going? In answer to that last question Dr Quantum suggests: Look Up. See those little shiny twinkly things overhead? It seems as if you may be headed there. It is possible you will become a star one day. In time a galaxy. Perhaps once you get off your training wheels eventually you too can become a universe. Too far in the future? Don’t want to get ahead of yourself? Man! Get your name on the list. Are you down with that? I’m down wid it man! I put my name down for becoming a universe. Yeah I just signed up last week. But I gotta warn you the training program is hell. Or is it Heaven? Hmmm . . . let me see. Yep, the game of life is living.

Hmm so this must be the game of life. And what is the Game of Life then? But Living! Not winnng, mind you, That is different. That’s the game of competing. And the only rule of the Game of Life is this. There MUST be a game. And if there isn’t one playing then chances are you will invent one. Who was it that said man is a meaning making machine? Have you ever noticed that a friend, relative or acquaintance may have a whole story going on in their imagination that is just so NOT the story you had been telling yourself and others?  Another way of saying this is that we like to play . . .no we MUST play. Have you noticed? It’s the only thing you really don’t get to have much choice in. There MUST be a game and the game of life is living.

Of course this points up the fact that children are already well tuned in to the purpose and journey of life. For wherever you put them they will invent some game. Which may lead us to an overwhelming conclusion. The purpose of life is to have fun. So if the game of life is living and the purpose of the game is to have fun it must be obvious by now to all but the most dopey dumb and thick people that the current winners are those people who are now practicing meditation, doing Yoga. Learning to cook holistic and macro foods, starting eco villages, studying Ayurveda, building Earthships etc. These are the fools who are in the process of stepping of the edge of a cliff into the abyss of nothingness and mysteriously flying with wings of angels. Meanwhile the logical blockheads of reason stand on the edge of that cliff complaining. You can’t fly! It’s impossible, or so they say. Right now these blockheads look a lot like the Friends of Science in Medicine who are trying to have the teaching of natural therapies taken out of universities. Boy do these squares ever not know how to have fun. They are so determined to invest in dying when the game of life is living.

Are Earthships SAFE?

28 02 2012

The MOST Sustainable Housing Design?

SAFE Sustainable Autonomy For Everyone

I bought the T-Shirt it says SAFE Sustainable Autonomy For Everyone. The fancy more colourful green one was not available in my size. The only XL sizes were the SAFE Sustainable Autonomy For Everyone shirts. We’re talking Black and White.  I decided to grab whatever I could rather than go home empty handed after meeting with the great man . Maybe I will have the shirt framed and show it to my grandchildren. Now kids . . .this is the T-Shirt from the man who saved the world. And this is a picture of him drinking my brand of . . . yes he sipped a premium Aussie, errr Tasmanian . . . actually . . .there is no other way of saying this . . .beer. Oh yes. Michael Reynolds did not step down from the podium robed in white to lead us all in a class of Hatha Yoga and chanting of Mantram. Nothing quite so transcendental. Nope. He drank beer. One of my favourite brands. So there it is. Well they are called EARTHships. And they are SAFE Sustainable Autonomy For everyone.

It’s a fascinating thing this matter of a great person’s habits. In the battle for the planet known as World War 2, the two opposing leaders Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler demonstrated this point to a fault. Churchill drank like a fish, smoked strong cigars almost constantly and was know to enjoy a good tuck in to a manly side of beef, lamb or pork. Hitler on the other hand was a tea-totalling vegetarian. Oh but that’s different I hear you say. Is it? Well the inventor of Earthships invented this slogan to describe his sustainable housing design. SAFE Sustainable Autonomy For Everyone.

Let’s look at that. Sustainable: This simply means that Earthships would not threaten our common future, or the ability of future generations to enjoy an abundant fulfilling life on Planet Earth. Autonomy: This means that an Earthship allows you to go off-grid. No need to suck coal fired electricity. No need to draw water from the government – or even worse the corporate owned – water supply. You don’t need to pump your sewage into the government – or corporate – sewage system and possibly into the river lake or ocean. And last but certainly not least you can grow much of your basic food needs in your home. Wonder of wonders. Well that’s the heavy hand of government, corporations not to mention supermakets taken care of. For Everyone: Everyone can live in an Earthship. Indeed they are ideally suited for both developing world and can even be tailored to big cities. There are plans to put one into New York City. Yes you can use the design concept for multi story buldings. SAFE Sustainable Autonomy For Everyone

Books & Videos on Earthships including titles by Michael Reynolds: Step With Life

The Official Earthship site: Earthship Biotechture  

Earthship Inventor Captures Sustainable Audience

27 02 2012

Michael Reynolds - Legend of Sustainable Design

Earthships are coming

Michael Reynolds the legendary Earthship inventor, designer and architectural change agent extraordinaire has been presenting in Australia. It was a joyous experience to meet the legend in person and witness his presentation on EarthShips at the Maleny RSL on the weekend. EarthShips have been something of a Quantumized fascination for Yours Truly since sometime in the late 20th Century.  Online research on leading edge sustainable building design resulted in stumbling upon the Earthships warming up on the runway  getting ready for take off. It seems they have certainly been hurtling down the tarmac since then and can now be seen flying about the skies of Australia, USA, France, Mexico, Italy, Germany, Scotland and the list goes on.  Earthships are coming

A colleague recently quipped “well he’s not Corbusier”. I must say I could only agree. Correct, he’s not Corbusier . . .because he’s Michael Reynolds! True he doesn’t wear natty suits and Bow Ties. Michael Reynolds is not a Prada Spectacles wearing hipster of Urban Cool architectural Nouvea Minimalism in sleek. He’s much, much more than that. Apologies to all you Prada wearing Hipsters. I am sure you are all very nice people. No offence. Truly so.  But let’s get it straight. A mane of unkempt grey hair, stubbly beard, rugged jeans and unimposing personal style has absolutely zero bearing on what’s going on with a person on the inside. Earthships are coming

Michael Reynolds is right up there with the greatest architects of all time. In Dr Quantum’s book he is more relevant than Le Corbusier, as much a visionary as Frank Lloyd Wright, and every bit the urban hero as Denise Scott Brown.  To understand something of the importance of his contribution and the truly evolutionary nature of his form – Biotechture, there will be more about Earthships here soon. Dr Quantum is having an Earthships moment. In fact we are going to make this an Earthships Decade and plans are underway for an Earthships Century.  Now if you like the idea of radical Sustainable building you’re going to love this instant video Title: Grandma Builds an Earthship for $1.99 USD > click here.  You can see the documentary The Garbage Warrior from Amazon available at Step With Life > click here – or purchase his books about EarthShips and Biotechture at great prices > click here. Check it out. Earthships are coming

Dr Quantum has posted a number of times on the topic of EarthShips

Earthships Underpants and The Garbage Warrior. and

Earthships Dreaming – Confessions of a Technoyourt Wannabe to name just two previous posts on these pages. Earthships are coming

How to Transform the Planet

24 09 2011

The Blue Lotus Cult

Gandhi’s famous Dictum: Be The Change You Want to See in The World

From a quantum perspective that’s really it. Be the change you want to see in the world. Dr Quantum’s Blog has spent a lot of time pointing to the dark side; of humanity’s flawed persona and twisted psyche. Well we have a confession to make. All that negative projection we have been spewing forth is just that – a projection. Because you see . . .that’s all the identification with negativity can ever be because that’s not who we are. Follow? In the word’s of Neale Donald Walsch’s God . . .in order to experience that which you are you must experience that which you are not. I got dem ‘ol cosmic blues again for sure. Ganhdi’s famous Dictum is really the answer. Be the change. And sometimes, right before you make the jump into the hyper-space of change, it helps to take a good hard look in the mirror and see the ugly you. Scary stuff to be sure. The results . . . are amazing.

Be the change . . .It’s so easy to say, and it’s the greatest adventure you can go on – the adventure of self-transformation. Some would say it is a spiritual journey. Some would say hey . . .just focus on the what-is of your life. Fair enough. Maybe even a bit of both. One of Australia’s most interesting futurists Peter Ellyard, suggests in his book Ideas for The New Millennium that in terms of environmental and ecological transformative values we have the hard stuff of the built environment and we have the soft stuff of the personal journey – things like beliefs, visions and values. And as Ellyard and many others will attest, the soft stuff is really the hard stuff.

So if you want to save the world and you sense that who you are being is not the change you want to see in the world . . . then change. Easy huh? The problem is that we humans tend to have our blind spots. It’s not always easy to see who you are being. Hence they have all kinds of schools and techniques and motivational oscillators to help you shake your booty. It may therefore be useful to engage with some kind of transformative process. Which one? Good question. The answer is so simple and profound it will amaze you. The answer is: The process that works for you. As the advertising would have informed you already – Just Do It! Oh you want some ideas huh! You can see some of my favorites below. OK let’s see . . . and remember Gandhi’s famous dictum: Be the change you want to see in the world.


Bhakti Yoga

Awakening The Dreamer Changing The Dream Symposium

Anthroposophy in Australia (clik or search your local area for contacts)

The Theosphical Society

Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness

Transpersonal Psychology

Landmark Education

Vipassana Meditation in Australia